Samsung YP-R0 Hacked Firmware

Iniciado por lebellium, 21 de Julio de 2011, 09:34:11 AM

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Well that's nice but you did not edit the file the way I asked in my 1st post. As a result, there is a big issue  :-?
I asked to look on the R0 which string has to be improved, then to find this string in the text file with "ctrl + f" and change it. But you just read the text file and changed almost every string, even those that don't concern the R0 (R1, M1, P3, P2 etc....)
The problem is now there are probably double strings and the R0 hates that. He doesn't display the good strings anymore (for example "Escalador de audio" has been replaced by "Imagen de Album".
And I don't know how to find double strings in a 1410 strings text file  :-?


OK but, how we find the files that only concern to R0?


I just spent much time to check double strings using the alphabetical order of MS Word but no luck, there is still the issue.
One has to start again using the default [08]Spanish.txt file.... I give up for today...

CitarOK but, how we find the files that only concern to R0?
I already said it twice!
Use your R0, navigate on it and when you see a bad translation, open the [08]Spanish.txt file, press ctrl + f, then type the translation in the search bar and change it!


Strings = lines??

Ok, there were two phrases (lines) in a same row and it's corrected already (compared with english file!), I mean, all lines are correct now. Take a look...
Repros: Sansa Clip+ RB / Fuze v2 LOD RB, Samsung R0
IEMs: Brainwavz M2, F.A. Eterna Rev.1, Audéo PFE 112
Amps: FiiO E5, SoundMagic A10
Otros: FiiO S5K / N3


Cita de: klakring en 26 de Julio de 2011, 08:38:04 AM
Strings = lines??
In computer science, string means Cadena de caracteres. That's basically a line if you want.

CitarOk, there were two phrases (lines) in a same row and it's corrected already (compared with english file!), I mean, all lines are correct now. Take a look...
It's as bad or even worse as before.
The only solution now is to start again from the beginning, using the default txt file and changing only the R0 strings this time.

And please use "sensatez".
For example, Tiempo de apag. de pantalla: xx min is a very long, too long string, It's boring to wait several seconds until you can see "xx min". So that doesn't make sense to replace it by Tiempo de Apagado de Pantalla. It's still longer! Find something shorter!


It's impossible to be worse than before because I only corrected 1 line (string in computer science).

Well, if you want to checks the entire file with R0 in hand is a bit difficult because I don't have the entire day and nobody pays me for this. This file is exactly the same as the english one but in spanish with many mistakes/incongruities corrected.
Repros: Sansa Clip+ RB / Fuze v2 LOD RB, Samsung R0
IEMs: Brainwavz M2, F.A. Eterna Rev.1, Audéo PFE 112
Amps: FiiO E5, SoundMagic A10
Otros: FiiO S5K / N3


Cita de: klakring en 26 de Julio de 2011, 09:10:38 AM
Well, if you want to checks the entire file with R0 in hand is a bit difficult because I don't have the entire day and nobody pays me for this.
I really hope you're kidding me. Have you already seen all what I've done as Samsung Moderator on ABI for 4 years and on Generationmp3 for 6 years? Do you know how much time I've spent the 6 last years for Samsung customers?  Do you think I'm paid for that? Do you think I care on the spanish, russian, chinese and german translation of the interface? I don't speak a single spanish word... All what I'm doing right now is for YOU guys, not for me. I'm just asking you to take only 1 or 2 hrs of your free-time to improve some things on your R0 following the rules I established in the 1st post of this thread and that's already too much... That desperates me...

As a result, I did it myself, I took time to edit the Spanish file using your changed strings and now it's working perfectly.

Just 2 left strings. Please tell me how to change them...

Ajuste predet.
Tiempo de apag. de pantalla (That's too long. Isn't it possible to say in spanish "Display off", "display off tiempo", "pantalla off tiempo" or I don't know, anything shorter?)


I still have to say thank you after correcting/fixing all mistakes that were in the original Spanish file and then spend an hour and a half :facepalm: I'm also an admin/mod and I'm not asking users to do my work. In this case $AM$UNG must do well the translations, not users.

Cita de: lebellium en 26 de Julio de 2011, 10:12:48 AM
Ajuste predet.
Tiempo de apag. de pantalla (That's too long. Isn't it possible to say in spanish "Display off", "display off tiempo", "pantalla off tiempo" or I don't know, anything shorter?)

Ajuste predet. -> Ajuste Predeterminado

"Display off" it wants to say "Pantalla apagada". It depends on the context, but maybe it refers in time.. ("time to display off? -> Tiempo de apagado de pantalla").
Repros: Sansa Clip+ RB / Fuze v2 LOD RB, Samsung R0
IEMs: Brainwavz M2, F.A. Eterna Rev.1, Audéo PFE 112
Amps: FiiO E5, SoundMagic A10
Otros: FiiO S5K / N3


Yeah indeed, "Display Off Time: 1min" means the display stays on during 1 min then turns off
"Tiempo de apagado de pantalla" is the most accurate way to say it but I guess it's too long and the horizontal scrolling is very slow on the R0. It would be better to find a translation where you immediately see "15 s, 1 min, 3 min, always on" without scrolling.

In French I replaced it by "Ecran éteint: xx min" (display off: xx min). It's less accurate than "Délai de désactivation de l'écran" ("Tiempo de apagado de pantalla") but at least there is no boring scrolling anymore :)


Cita de: lebellium en 26 de Julio de 2011, 11:14:53 AM
Yeah indeed, "Display Off Time: 1min" means the display stays on during 1 min then turns off
"Tiempo de apagado de pantalla" is the most accurate way to say it but I guess it's too long and the horizontal scrolling is very slow on the R0. It would be better to find a translation where you immediately see "15 s, 1 min, 3 min, always on" without scrolling.

In French I replaced it by "Ecran éteint: xx min" (display off: xx min). It's less accurate than "Délai de désactivation de l'écran" ("Tiempo de apagado de pantalla") but at least there is no boring scrolling anymore :)
display off: xx min = apagar pantalla en: xx min


And what's the difference between
"apagar pantalla en: xx min" and "Pantalla apagada: xx min" ?

Because if "Pantalla apagada: xx min" makes sense, that's great, that perfectly fits the screen  :mrgreen:



In this way looks better "Apagar Pantalla".
Repros: Sansa Clip+ RB / Fuze v2 LOD RB, Samsung R0
IEMs: Brainwavz M2, F.A. Eterna Rev.1, Audéo PFE 112
Amps: FiiO E5, SoundMagic A10
Otros: FiiO S5K / N3


Okay thanks ;)

Normally we will release firmware 2.00 in the following days  :banana:


 Ahh claro  8-O si era eso !!! Pos zánkiu majetón :jejeje: :jaja: