Cuál comprar?

Iniciado por gustavo, 17 de Octubre de 2007, 07:17:14 PM

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Muy buenas noches, me he decidido a comprar un meizu. Y a un vendedor como  poly_treasure ya que habéis tenido buenas experiencias con él. Ahora mi duda es cual comprar:


---Meizu 8GB MP3 MP4 FM Player Birthday Wedding GIFT FR

Este segundo es la versión SP, que dura más la batería y es más gordo? Es la única diferencia.
Cual elijo?



En mi opinión no vale la pena el sl para nada. El meizu es casi una pluma (55gr comparados co los 200 de mi minidisc). Perder 6 horas de bateria por 7mm es una idiotez. El acabado del meizu Sp es suficientemente bueno como para no tener que recurrri al Sl. Al menos esa es mi opinión.
Reproductores: Meizu M8, Sansa Clip +, Samsung P3,  Microsoft Zune 80, Meizu Miniplayer SP 4Gb, Sony Minidisc MZ NH900.
Auriculares: Shure SRH 840, Grado Alessandro MS1, UE Super Fi 5, SoundMagic PL30 (scarpeta's), Sennheiser CX300
Cableado de alta precisión: Loignoro wire mod, -Dan1 wire.
Amplificador: cMoyBB v2.02 Bass Booster, Fiio E5


Totalmente de acuerdo con telemakitero.  ;-)
Sony NWZ-S639 · iRiver H140 · Meizu SP · iPod Mini Mod 64GB CF · Cowon S9 · Rio Forge · Motorola M500 · Samsung YP-P3 · Motorola M25
Sennheiser IE8 · Grado GR8 · Grado SR225 · CrossRoads HR1
Corda 2Move · 1BX


Para qué queremos ganar 7mm si luego la mayoría los llevamos dentro de la crystalcase (absolutamente recomendable para mi gusto).

Saludos y que lo disfrutes  :music:


Cita de: telematikero en 17 de Octubre de 2007, 08:07:13 PM
En mi opinión no vale la pena el sl para nada. El meizu es casi una pluma (55gr comparados co los 200 de mi minidisc). Perder 6 horas de bateria por 7mm es una idiotez. El acabado del meizu Sp es suficientemente bueno como para no tener que recurrri al Sl. Al menos esa es mi opinión.


Parece que en meizume piensan igual, un tipo hizo esta review:

Well i wrote this brief review:

My friend recently came back from China and they happened to pick up a Meizu SL, today i was able to get a look at it, i traveled all the way to my friends work place to see it, all excited and hyped, i finally got my hands on it, what can i say, i wasn't impressed.

Seriously, i am kind of annoyed, i could not believe after all the wait, all you really get is an anorexic version of the M6 SP. Don't get me wrong it still has all the goodness of the SP, but thats just it, IT HAS THE SAME GOODNESS and nothing new - well, apart from it being able to play APE and FLAC out of the box, unlike the SP which i believe can now play one of those formats and after the next firmware update can play both the lossless formats.

The audio quality is the same, I don't care if Meizu is touting that the SL has slightly better audio hardware, that slightly wasn't enough to register with my ears.

The screen, IMO, is better on the SP, although the SL has a brighter screen, picture and video quality was better on the SP. I took a new SP with me and both the SP and SL come with the exact same stock audio, images and video. I did a comparison of the images and video side by side, both me and my friend agreed the older version was better - but we also agreed that the difference weren't great and the SL screen still did a great job. The screen is slightly bigger - slightly being 0.01" can only notice the difference in size when you compare it to the SP screen, the SL screen does look a bit larger (i stress BIT). Otherwise is looks like any other 2.4" screen.

Battery - well we have known the anorexic version would hold less of a charge, almost 10hrs less for audio and about 1hr less playtime for video.

Design - yup, i'll give the SL this, it looks pretty slick, but its only a few mm thinner than the SP, so its not like the SP was a big hunk-a-lug or anything. Depending on how you like your metal, the SL comes with a brushed steel back and not the stainless steel finish like the SP, but get used to cleaning your finger prints off the back - even the stealthiest criminal would get their finger prints stuck on the SL's back.

Price, well in China the current 4GB and 8GB are priced higher than the SP, which will also be the same for the English version when it comes out (that is the one we will carry).

So after all the wait, what do we have - a slim mini-player, with 1/3 the playing time and more expensive than its predecessor.

I am not sure about the English version, which Meizu makes and sells exclusively outside of China, but the only the 2GB SP version is going to be made for the China market, 4GB and 8GB SP have been discontinued and the SL will take its place. I do not know if the same will happen to the english SP when the SL english version comes out.

Before you leave and go thinking i don't like this player - i don't, i do like it, it's as good as the SP, but that's the problem, after all the wait, we don't really see any improvements that take the Mini player to that next step.

As a seller in this current market of iPod Touch, iPhone and now the Zune 2, the SL has really little to offer to the market - it doesn't make Meizu any more competitive as i would have liked to have seen.

No contesto a privados pidiendo consejo sobre qué reproductor elegir, para eso está el foro. Espero que lo entendáis.