Alguno del foro habéis probado los miles davis trumpet?, puse un anuncio en headfi para cambiar los Sony Xba 4ip por otros auriculares y me han ofrecidos estos pero no tengo ni idea que tal serán, busco unos con mando y este tiene mando pero no se yo que tal la marca "Monster" tuve los Cooper y estaban bien, pero no se que tal este modelo tiene cosas tan dispares.
No hay ninguno por el foro?, Por lo leído no me convencen mucho, además el cable es plano y eso es lo que menos me gusta de los Sony.
Me quedo de momento con los Sony.
Es del rollo de los copper
Enviado desde mi Xperia Z con tapatalk
por lo que leí en su momento llevan un microdriver con no sé qué sistema que es muy parecido a los yamaha eph100, vamos, en V mayúscula, subrayada y con fosforito. no los cambiaba por los sony ni jarto vino a no ser que los sony no te molen nada y el sonido en V sí.
Sacado de Head-Fi
Figure I'd create an account to reply to this thread... Been a long time reader on Head-fi though (: ... 1/2 of my google searches wind up giving me an answer from this site, hah.
Miles Davis Tribute vs Miles Davis Trumpet Comparison
I had the Tributes for several months, and have now had the Trumpets for several months as well (sold my Tributes and bought the Trumpets for $250 when they first came out at BestBuy... I have no clue why BestBuy was having a sale on a brand new item that was still in the back of the store and they only got one in stock, but whatever haha).
The Tributes obviously have more bass. But the bass is also a lot more "in your face, don't ignore me!" type of bass - for lack of better words. You feel bass in almost every part of the song, it doesn't really go away. Add in the fact the headphones are heavier... a lot heavier... than the Trumpets (which weigh about as much as stock iPod earbuds, maybe a bit more adding in the in-line control dongle which is pretty big). This weight, the earbud being "closed", and just having more bass in general, makes the Tribute a lot more of an "intense" experience. I would have to almost mentally prepare myself to get ready for it before putting them in to listen to music (that's an exaggeration, but the idea behind it is true). It feels like you're locking yourself into music world, shutting yourself out from the rest of the world and going for a ride.
The Trumpets don't lack bass, but it is definitely cleaner and not so in your face. The Tributes seem to have a "muddy" bass, almost like you would expect from a pair of jazz headphones This isn't bad, I loved the Tributes to death, but it is different. The Trumpets definitely have less bass power (but the power is still there for sure, and it seems like they're more picky than the Tributes when it comes to really applying that power), but are clearer. I feel like I can hear the kick of the bass drum in the actually recording studio, whereas with the Tributes I would hear the bass, but it just seemed more like bass you would hear from an Usher song or something (not that dramatic, but I feel like I can hear more tiny-small things things with the Trumpets).
Final Comparisons (as my attempt to organize things was failing)
- The Tributes are more "exciting" and fun to listen to. If I had both still sitting right next to me and needed to get pumped up for something, I would pick the Tributes.
- The Trumpets are much more of a Head-Fi type headphone in my opinion. I feel like I can pick apart things much better, and these seem to bring out the best (and worst) parts of recordings.
- Build quality is about the same for both - it's great. The Trumpets first look like they could snap because they're so thin in certain areas, but I've never had a single worry about breaking them.
- I found 2 or 3 earbud tips that worked great with the Trumpets. But with the Tributes, I was constantly switching different ones around because nothing ever seemed to be "perfect." This seemed strange, as they are both super-tips... but the Trumpet's super-tips are a bit different in terms of shape than the Tributes.
- Both headphones are eye-catching, especially with the blue cords. But the Trumpets definitely have brought more looks and more comments than the Tributes. They have a very expensive look to them in almost every part of the headphone - the in-line controller shines with a silver/gold finish... and even the part that connects the two ends together has a gold center to it - just adding to the expensive "wow" factor.
- The Trumpets have an in-line controller has mentioned. This not only makes iPod listening much easier, but also turns quite a few heads - it's the one piece that people look at first, it seriously stands out like crazy.
- Finally... Both have very cool blue-colored cables... But the Trumpets have "flat" style cabling. This makes the cable more eyecatching, far more than the Tributes which it could be tough to tell if the cable was even blue, for sure (if you're into that)... But more importantly it means they don't get tangled up. My Tributes would constantly get tangled up - even after just a minute in my pocket lol. And the cabling is "grippy rubber", meaning untangling them was a chore. It's literally night and day in this category, the Trumpets barely ever get tangled - even after hours in my pocket.
Long Story Short...
The Trumpets seem a lot cleaner and more precise. Almost like you would use them to critique music, wanting to hear every little detail - good or bad. The Tributes seem a bit more "in your face" powerful. They are more taxing to listen to - being heavier, more in your face, and more intense overall. But, the Tributes do have a certain feeling to them that makes them fun to listen to, and a bit more exciting - I found myself tapping my foot or dancing without realizing it more with the Tributes.
Muchas gracias a los dos, me decidí por quedarme con los Sony, cada día me gustan más.
yo hubiese hecho lo mismo.
Yo tambien